uses of C Programming


uses of  C Programming


These are the best online courses to learn C programming for beginners from Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, and Educative website

Hello guys, if you are interested in learning C programming in 2021 and looking for the best C Programming courses, then you have come to the right place.

survived 50 years

C Programming language is one of the oldest, powerful, and a programming language which has survived 50 years. Yes, that’s right, 50 years. It’s a great achievement for any technology to remain relevant for such a long period.

UNIX is made up of c

If you don’t know, the C Programming language is one of the first general-purpose programming language, invented by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thomson around 1969. Ken was writing UNIX, another accessible technology that has survived for 50 years around the same time and needed a programming language that can do all kinds of tasks; the result was C programming language.

uses of c language in real life

1. Operating Systems

The first operating system to be developed using a high-level programming language was UNIX, which was designed in the C programming language. Later on, Microsoft Windows and various Android applications were scripted in C.

2. Embedded Systems

The C programming language is considered an optimum choice when it comes to scripting applications and drivers of embedded systems, as it is closely related to machine hardware.

3. GUI

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. Adobe Photoshop, one of the most popularly used photo editors since olden times, was created with the help of C. Later on, Adobe Premiere and Illustrator were also created using C.

4. New Programming Platforms

Not only has C given birth to C++, a programming language including all the features of C in addition to the concept of object-oriented programming but, various other programming languages that are extensively used in today’s world like MATLAB and Mathematica. It facilitates the faster computation of programs.

5. Google

Google file system and Google chromium browser were developed using C/C++. Not only this, the Google Open Source community has a large number of projects being handled using C/C++.

6. Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird

Since Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird were open-source email client projects, they were written in C/C++.

7. MySQL

MySQL, again being an open-source project, used in Database Management Systems was written in C/C++.

8. Compiler Design

One of the most popular uses of the C language was the creation of compilers. Compilers for several other programming languages were designed keeping in mind the association of C with low-level languages, making it easier to be comprehensible by the machine.

Several popular compilers were designed using C such as Bloodshed Dev-C, Clang C, MINGW, and Apple C.

7 Basic C Programs that will help you to rise from Noob to Pro

9. Gaming and Animation

Since the C programming language is relatively faster than Java or Python, as it is compiler-based, it finds several applications in the gaming sector. Some of the most simple games are coded in C such as Tic-Tac-Toe, The Dino game, The Snake game and many more. Increasing advanced versions of graphics and functions, Doom3 a first-person horror shooter game was designed by id Software for Microsoft Windows using C in 2004.



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